Taipei Ximen

Leopard Garden


Group Dorm, Party House ,Holiday Home

statistics in vBulletin


Living room -- Zebra Apartments







Taipei Ximen ,Leopard Garden Apartment


No.13, Lane. 29, Xi-Chang Street.,

Wanhua District, Taipei City 108,

Taiwan (R.O.C.), Phone:+886-2-23311331, Mobile:+886938333449



Looking forward to see you~


Taipei Ximen ,The Zebra Apartment

No.13, Lane. 29, Xi-Chang Street., Wanhua District, Taipei City
from MRT Ximen station Exit 1Go forward walk straight to Ximen elementary school, turn left to Kangding Rd.
enter to lane 56 Kangding Rd.
to the end then see us.



Taipei Ximen ,Leopard Garden Apartments



rent by month 20% off.

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